Bremerton Valley Scottish Rite
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry S. J.
Orient of Washington

In The News

Virtual Meetings Guidelines and General Etiquette, Valley of Bremerton Scottish Rite
• BE ON TIME - The meeting(s) will start on time. If you arrive late, please do not interrupt the speaker. We will try our best to follow the agenda, so you will be able to “catch-up”. The earlier you are in the meeting room, the better the chance to assist you with any issue you may have.
• PAY ATTENTION – The Presiding Officer will let you know what is acceptable during their meeting. Remember, they have the final word!
• BE PREPARED – Review all of the materials that were sent to you – BEFORE the meeting. If you wish to discuss something, or if you have a question, please use the Raise Hand feature or the Chat utility.
• MUTE IS YOUR FRIEND – Please remember to MUTE your microphone as you enter the call. This may be done for you already, but if not, please do so. If you are call upon (HAND RAISE) then you will be un-muted. Please remember to mute your audio after you are finished speaking. PLEASE MUTE YOUR MICROPHONE IF YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING
• BE KIND – Remember that we are ALL Masons. If you disagree with someone or something being said, DO NOT BE RUDE! Rudeness will get you kicked from the call! IF This is a tyled meeting, we will do our best to ensure that everyone attending is a Scottish Rite Mason. IF you are not a Scottish Rite Mason, and if in a stated meeting, you will politely be asked to leave the meeting. IF you are a Scottish Rite Mason and are not sequestered in a secure manner you will be asked kindly to rectify the situation and if you can or will not, you will be asked to politely leave the meeting. The Virtual Tyler is authorized to insure compliance with a tiled/stated meeting and remove non-members and non-sequestered members.
• IDENTIFY YOURSELF – This will make it much easier to ensure that everyone knows who is present and, if called upon, who is speaking.
• ENABLE VIDEO – This helps everyone to identify each other. • SOUND CHECK – Please make sure that your computer audio is working properly, BEFORE the scheduled time of the call. Invest in a set of earphones or headphones.
• SPEAK CLEARLY – Remember that not everyone has top of the line equipment and some may have a hard time hearing/understanding you.
• BE DRESSED- At least from the waist up! In all seriousness, be presentable! Dress as if we are meeting face to face.