Bremerton Valley Scottish Rite
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry S. J.
Orient of Washington

Officers 2024
All Bodies

Hon. Bill Hubbard
32º KCCH
(Appointed by SGIG)
Almoner - ILL. Thomas Dangelo, 33º IGH
Director of the Work - Hon. John Brassch, 32º KCCH
Lodge of Perfection
Senior Warden - Jason Reeder 32º
Junior Warden - Rich Porter 32º
Orator - Silver Esteller 32º
Chaplain - Charles Huff 32º
Master of Ceremonies - Rocky Catlett 32º
Captain of the Host - Cliff LaBelle 32º
Tiler - Hon Al Rose 32º KCCH
Andrew Guthrie 32º
The Venerable Master is the head of the Lodge of Perfection, teaching us the Ineffable Degrees (4th-14th). Explore the mysteries of Ancient Judaism and its contemplation with Deity.
Chapter of Rose Croix
Senior Warden - Andrew Guthrie 32º
Junior Warden - Ross Gearllach 32º
Master of Ceremonies - Hon Brian George 32º KCCH
Secretary - Silver Esteller 32º
Guardian of the Temple - Hon Al Rose 32º KCCH
Tiler - Will Lewis 32º
The Wise Master is the head of the Chapter of the Rose Croix, teaching us the Chapter Degrees (15th-18th). Acceptance and introductions of various religions, mathematics theories, and sacred texts are explored within.
Council of Kadosh
1st Lieutenant Commander - Hon Brian George 32º KCCH
2nd Lieutenant Commander - Silver Esteller32º
Chancellor - Rich Porter 32º
Orator - Norman Jimenez 32º
Lieutenant of the Guard - Hon Al Rose 32º KCCH
Sentinel - Ross Gearllach 32º
The Commander is the head of the Council of Kadosh, teaching us the Council Degrees (19th-30th). Mystical symbolism, morality, political, and religious lessons are explored within.
Prior - Hon. Brian George 32º KCCH
Preceptor - Ed Harris 32º
Chancellor - Richard Porter 32º
Minister of State - Hilbert Atendido 32º
Marshal of Ceremonies - Silver Esteller 32º
Expert - Norman Jimenez 32º
Captain of the Guard - Rocky Catlett 32º
Tiler - Hon. Al Rose 32º KCCH
The Master of Kadosh is the head of the Consistory, teaching us the Consistory Degrees (31st & 32nd). Human law, justice and divine justice are explored herein. Broader and deeper meanings are provided from previous degrees.